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What to wear to your Phoenix Senior Session

What to wear? How Do I choose what to wear? Do I only get one choice?

Ahh, I know all the questions! I am here to answer them all and make sure that you have the senior session of your dreams! 

Once we officially book your session, I will be here to walk you through the entire planning of your Phoenix Senior session. You will be able to plan and bring 3-4 outfits along. One to get lots of variety in your gallery, and two to really be able to show off your personality.

When you are choosing outfits, pick your favorites! Pick what you love the most and what you are most comfortable in. I always suggest bringing along a casual outfit, and something dressy. Its your time to dress up and go all out! For other outfits, you can choose what you want, sometimes its a sports jacket or your college shirt. I also encourage props, so if you play basketball bring along a basketball and your jersey. You can also bring your cap and gown to get a few images with that. College merch is also fun if you have chosen a college! Wear your tshirt or hoodie, bring along the cup or the pennant flag. You can also bring along different accessories to change things up, a hat, a scarf, different pairs of shoes, fun necklaces, class/sports rings. 

The key to your session, is to really focus 100% on you and your awesome milestone of Senior year. We will show off your personality, and who you are! So the options are many. And like I said, if you need my help, we will totally get all of this figured out together to make it the best experience!

The key to your Phoenix Senior Session is to have fun, and show off your personality to celebrate your senior year and your huge accomplishment of graduating!

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